Tuesday 7 February 2012

James McWhinney - the man with a plan, or no plan, as it turns out.

I met up with James McWhinney, author of The Wellbeing Revolution, on Monday this week.
At just 23 he has an extraordinary outlook on life based on various philosophical teachings he has absorbed over the last few years. His book groups all of the best of what he has learnt into one handy, digestible, package for those of you looking to get a different outlook on life. I met with Mr McWhinney because his outlook on life really struck a chord with me, especially at this stage in my life. With this big year I have planned I thought it would be ideal to align myself with similarly enthusiastic people. At the crux of it, that is what this big year is about.
I was asked recently whether it was a 'bucket list' and I recoiled and said, 'no!'.
'It is the anti-bucket list!', I said.
'I don't want to be 75 years old, or even 35 years old, and still be wishing I'd held a market stall, or made lamingtons, or began to be healthier or any number of things.'
People have lately been poo-pooing New Years Resolutions and how we all end up not living up to them. I say, 'enough!'. It's no biggie if you don't achieve things on your NYR list, but at least have the enthusiasm, the moxie, to try!
If you do that every year, then imagine all of the little bits of life you'd live.
So anyway, here are a few key points from my meeting with James:
* Ignore the doubters. If you have an idea, and you know in your heart that is what you should be doing, then stay focussed on that and ignore the doubters.
* Money is important, but living your dreams doesn't have to be expensive. It depends what your needs are, what you put value in.
* Everything is purposeful, whether you like it or not.
* Live selflessly.

I felt really inspired by the end of our meet. And although it is difficult to change from being full of excuses and doubt to being driven and optimistic overnight, I certainly feel even more enthusiastic about doing things I want to do.

When I got home I emailed a couple of people to be a part of my book and filled out the application form for my market stall. That's what I call progress people!

Whilst I await my copy of James' book from amazon.com, I suggest you dudes get yo'selves a copy too!

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