Tuesday 24 April 2012

Resource Rescue! A crafter's nirvana!

Despite the inclement weather, Lenny and I ventured out today to Bayswater where, nestled among the industrial estate of Hosie Road, we discovered the craft nirvana Resource Rescue!
Filled to the brim with the castaways and cutoffs from various industries you'll find everything you could ever need to create anything you could ever need to create!

From bottles, boxes and bollards to wood, fabrics and plastics. There is foams, rubbers, foils, various thingamabobs and whozeewhatsits.

I spent $8 on a bunch of boxes and bollards to help me present and mail out the garlands and present toppers I'm creating. Yep, all of that for just $8! Even if I filled up an entire garbage bag it would only have been $30!

I also spent $20 on two large wooden boxes perfect for display - they are actually wine storage boxes so maybe once I'm done presenting my wares I can use them for that.

The boxes I purchased aren't typically expensive at the Post Office but that's not the point. The point of Resource Rescue is to use up what already exists before creating something new. Considering there is so many perfectly good bottles, containers and boxes at Resource Rescue it really makes you think how many of the things we use at home could be used again instead of throwing away. Many people see the recycling bin as a get out of jail free card but the process of recycling plastics and papers into new plastics and papers has it's own cost to the environment.

Mostly, things can be reinterpreted. Take the the pleather off-cut I found amongst the treasures in Hosie Road that I knew was meant to be a crown for Prince Lenny!
It only takes a wee bit of imagination and you can make use of stuff that would otherwise go into landfill.
I loved my visit to Resource Rescue and would highly recommend it to anyone who is creating! Go to www.resourcerescue.org.au or like them on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/resourcerescuecraftsupplies

See my next blog for how I turned Lenny into a Prince!

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