Saturday 28 April 2012

Orange Ya Glad Ya Grabbed That Stool?!

Orange ya glad ya don't hear puns like THAT everyday.. sheesh.

Well anyway, it is hard rubbish pick up in our suburb at the moment, so that means I've been doing a lot looking around. Yes. I am one of thooose people. That pick up trash. Illegally! Come get me if you dare coppers but once you see what fabulous things I can create out of nothing you will not arrest me... except for crimes of fabulousness!
So I have a new children's desk for Lenny's room given to us by his Aunty Yol who inherited it from her Mum, Lenny's Grandma!
It's such a wonderful desk, but it needed the perfect stool. Ultimately I will win tattslotto and buy him a mini Eames to go with it, but until then this is what I did!
I saw a little teeny wooden stool all on its own out for hard rubbish, in the rain, because it always rains when hard rubbish is on. I stopped jumped out and picked it up.

Now I could have gone to Clark Rubber or somewhere and had custom foam top made for it but I thought it was worth a look at the op shops to see if I could find something that already existed. I did, a sparkly round cushion the perfect size and squishyness for this project!

I also found a Fireball Orange tablecloth at the op shop and headed home to get busy!

Now this is not my first Rodeo when it comes to reupholstering stools - I did Nan's old kitchen stool AND her old bathroom/dressing table stool so you could say I'm pretty darn experienced at stools.

Step one. Dry out completely soggy wooden stool over a heating duct. Done.

Take off legs and leg plates.

Measure the top of the stool and measure fabric to cover stool and cushion and tuck under for fixing.

I cut the Orange fabric and tossed the excess and the cushion cover in my material box to live another day.

This stool was going to be as fancy as I could possibly manage so I decided to grab my trusty button collection (thanks Nan!) and find a big black button to go in the middle. Found one. Squealed in delight.

Tied a small white button to the back so I could get the right tension to pull the big black button in enough to make one of those big divots.

Laying the round cushion and material as neatly as possibly over the top of the stool pull the excess over and staple down. Staple the opposite side, then the two opposite sides - like N-S-E-W. Then all the excess around.

Screw the leg base plates back on at this stage as they also help to secure the fabric a little. 
For fancy I put some ribbon around the edge and then finished off with some upholstery tacks that I found in my husband's workshop a while ago.

And you're done! Very pleased with the result.

PS: I did this all in between cooking lamb chops and roast vegies for tea! So I don't want to hear people saying it is hard work or something!

I think it looks pretty darn cute there at the desk! And it was done with second hand and found items!

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