Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Market Stall Project

So one of my hopes for 2012 is that I can hold a market stall. I have always dabbled in crafts... Okay okay I'm a hardcore crafter. I've got a double wardrobe filled with all my crafting gear and have pretty much had a go at everything. Everything except Scrapbooking. That's a hell I don't think I would wish upon anyone, least of all myself. I read somewhere that Martha Stewart (all hail Queen Martha!) has a room devoted to giftwrapping. That would be my nirvana.
So anyway, I have long since imagined that I could totally hold a market stall... I just never decided what I could do.
A little while ago I was going through the many boxes of things from my parents place and there was a mountain of semi-preserved old cards and letters. Some of them were absolute corkers. Some I have sent back to the people that they originally came from. Some I am keeping for myself. The rest I am upcycling. Upcycling is a notion I'm in love with. You take something that you might think is past it's use-by date and make it into something of value once more. The key to upcycling is to not throw away something that is still useable.
All of these old cards, I thought, were pretty cool. Some were just pretty. And with a little bit of upcycling could totally be used once more. Once more before they can be REcycled and possibly made into brand new greeting cards. Do you buy greeting cards made from recycled paper? Most greeting cards I receive aren't made from recycled paper. I keep most that I receive, the rest I recycle.
The cards I keep now could be like the corkers I found at my parents place.
From the '70s and '80s they are really funky.
I'm calling the venture Upcycled Greetings.
I've attached a selection of some I have already upcycled. I plan to apply for a stall for the Upwey Grassroots Market on March 17th... we'll see how I go!

And the cards are presented in brown paper bags with the following detail.
I plan to have a stamp made up as my printer doesn't really like printing onto sandwich bags.

I'm pleased with my progress but I wonder if I will have enough stock to warrant a market stall. If anyone has any super old greeting cards I would love to have them.

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