Wednesday 11 January 2012

One small step for one small little man...

Lenny took a couple of little steps today... it was amazing. It is amazing to see him wibble and wobble and shuffle a bit. I wouldn't call it walking but he is certainly on his way. I was so excited I called my husband, wrote the date in his record book and took as many videos of it as I could. My little baby is slowly becoming a toddler. Hard to believe, so wonderful to be a part of. And he performed for Pete when he got home so we could all enjoy the excitement.
I was treated to 75 mins of pure bliss thanks to a full body scrub and thai pinda massage. Thai Pindas are these wrapped up herby type cushiony things used instead of hands. Nice if you don't like hard massages or have a back injury like me.
It was a lovely sleepy relaxing 75 mins. Seems like forever away now...
I'm really looking forward to seeing Georgie tomorrow and having a brainstorming session.
Take a look at my beautiful baby boy and his new found talent below.

1 comment:

  1. fabulous, lenny is taking his first little steps, and from the vid, developing his culinary skills simultaneously
