Tuesday 24 January 2012

My big year update...

So I thought I should make an update which was less 'little project' and more 'big year' related. I did warn you all that I was the queen of multi-tasking. And I warned you it was most likely not a very productive modus operandi. And that is possibly proving to be true. But hear me out. I have been achieving little bits hear and there. See below all the things that were on my original 'things to do list' and are slowly being (sort of) ticked off!
* firstly, Georgie and I agreed we probably weren't cut out to be mini moguls so we put our idea to bed. but at least we had a meeting and talked about it instead of just leaving it as a pipe dream. that made me feel productive.
* I have learnt how to play Take On Me by Aha on the ukelele. busking playlist taking shape. Talent still not taking shape.
* I went to a water aerobics class Monday night and burnt some calories... that counts right?
* I am reading a book and I plan to read another.
* I have emailed a few people about my novel... no takers as yet, but I'll keep trying.
* I finally sorted out the filing! Feeels sooo gooood

So that really just leaves:
the bike
the charity
the invention
the holiday
the lamingtons
the old friends

Leave it with me.
See below the before and afters of my filing cabinet.

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