Wednesday 11 January 2012

Storm inside & out!

As the rain poured down outside, my dear friend Georgie and I showered the dining table with ideas and concepts for our lil' enterprise. We talked about all the things we wanted to do with our idea, and all of the things we could actually do. It was so exciting to set achievable goals for us both and really set in motion a pretty cool idea.
Hmmm it all sounds a bit hush-hush doesn't it? Well I do apologise for that, alas, with any enterprise, it is good to keep things sort of under wraps until there is anything to tell. This year Georgie and I will aim to really hone our idea and designs into something we believe is 'perfect' and then we can set goals for the following year. So there! Another thing checked off my list! I have begun that thing I wanted to do with Georgie. And it feels so good!
Today was also a bit somber as I learnt of the passing of my dear friend Anna's cousin, Emily. She was just 32 years old, but had been battling breast cancer for many years. Such a young and vibrant spirit taken far too early by a very prevalent killer of women. My thoughts are with her family, and of course my friend who has lost a special person in her life.
Well I've got three baskets full of clean clothes I need to fold and put away before watching a film with Pete and then a having a bubble bath for some me time.
Have a good night all xx

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